Spelunking the Nomination

While many new GOP contenders have tossed their American Flag pins into the ring for 2016, many others are considering a bid to be the one who tames Putin, Kim Jung-on, and the liberal media. Here is an update on who is still out there and why they think they are qualified. (Meanwhile, Jeffsicle’s presidential exploratory committee is currently exploring the cool breezes of the Maine seashore.)

Director Michael Bay. “A lot of directors don’t want the pressure of a movie the size of Pearl Harbor. But I love it. I thrive on it. And I’ll thrive on the pressure of The White House. I will Transform into a great President, saving the nation from Armageddon. I am The Rock. And I will crush those Teen-age Mutant NoBalls Democrats!”

George W. Bush. “I keep reading on Facebook how Obama is plotting to subvert the Constitution to run for third term, so I figured I may as well get in on the action. Besides, if Herbert Cain could run in 2012 to flog his book, I can run to sell my paintings.”

Former VP Dick Cheney. “I wasn’t the President but I played one in Washington. It’s time to do it for real.”

Former Reality Star Josh Duggar. “I’ll jump in after the 18th candidate announces so I can be 19 Candidates and Counting. Plus I need a job. And maybe a lawyer, and I hear the President gets one for free. I also hear that ‘what happens at Camp David stays at Camp David.’”

Caitlyn Jenner. “Carly Fiorina, there are now two of us girls in this race who can take on Hillary woman to woman. The difference, though, is that you sucked at running HP, while I was involved in creating a very successful television empire and I helped raise a family of very successful entrepreneurs. How many people can you draw to a campaign rally? Do you have any notion of the throngs that would turn out to see me speak? I mean, hear me speak? And you say the GOP needs a new definition of feminist? You’re looking at her, baby!”

Madonna. “It seems there’s a lot of repressed sexuality among Republicans. That’s my kind of challenge. I’ve reinvented myself so often, Republican is one of the few things I haven’t tried.”

Reactionary Rocker Ted Nugent. “My idol, and the idol of all real Americans, is General George S. Patton. During WWII he said he would go through the enemy ‘like crap through a goose.’ My friends, believe me when I say that I am that crap and the Democrats are the goose.”

Reality Star Bristol Palin. “Radical liberals in media who have total control over public narratives say I’m too young to run based on the Constitution. I am here to tell you the founding fathers who received the Constitution from God never intended to keep a Palin from fulfilling her manifest destiny.”

Reality Star Sarah Palin. “Those haters out there, they don’t understand that it invigorates me, it wants me to get out there and defend the innocent. It makes me want to work so hard for justice in this country. So, hey the more they’re pouring on the more I’m going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with a voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future, too.” (Actual quote.) “Plus I’m an attention whore.” (Possibly not an actual quote.)

Retired Adult Film Star Faye Reagan. “All I hear from the other candidates is Reagan This and Reagan That. So I figured an actual Reagan might be a welcome addition. We actually have some things in common. We oppose government regulation and we both made movies. Of course, mine are still actively viewed by millions and will be for decades. I mean really, would you rather watch the Voice of the Turtle or Torrid Tales of Naked Bondage? One other thing: in this age of transparency, I literally have nothing to hide.”

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson. “There’s a lot of shit wrong with this country, but the real problem is that we haven’t had a beard in the White House since William Howard Taft and haven’t had a really good one since Benjamin Harrison. It’s time for a change.”

Comedian Amy Schumer. “I’m like 160 pounds right now, and not only can I catch a dick whenever I want, I also can catch a Rick, a Jeb, a Scott, a Ben, a Ted, a Rand, a George (do they all have one-syllable names?) and that’s the truth. Hell, I can catch a Carly if I’m in the right frame of mind.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger. “I may have made most of my money doing action films where I grunt and sweat, but I’ve always had a soft spot for playing-against-type in lighter fare like Kindergarten Cop. And believe me, there’s no comedy bigger than the GOP nomination process.”

Conspiracy Advocate Donald Trump. “Is there any doubt I will run? I’m a triple threat: real estate mogul, reality star, serial trophy wife owner, and the biggest burr in Barack Hussein Obama’s ass. But that’s not the main reason to pick me. I’M TOO BIG TO FAIL. (Not Chris Christie big. Trump Towers big.) If I ever had the problems our Kenyan President has had—Benghazi, falsified birth records, Putin, failed policies, golf—I would overcome them because I’M TOO BIG TO FAIL. Even when I was on the verge of bankruptcy, I was bailed out by my creditors. And the same would happen if I am President.”

Florida Man’s George Zimmerman. “I could use the Secret Service protection.”

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. “I know with whom you’re sleeping. I know which drugs you take, I know where you play, shop and eat, so ‘like/vote’ me before it’s too late.”

Honey Boo-Boo’s Mama June. Sorry, Jeffsicle is not going there. We have standards, microscopic though they are.

More Jeffsicle on the 2016 campaign can be found at:

An Out-of-This-Galaxy Ticket for ’16

And If Elected…

©2015 Jeffsicle. Feel free to share with friends. Now on Twitter @Jeffsicle and Facebook www.facebook.com/jeffsicleblog. For the benefit of Mr. Kite there will be campaigns tonight on Valvoline.

Songs in the Key of Gee

They say you should write about what you know. While that never stopped Jeffsicle, it’s probably not bad advice for others. Case in point is the professional dogwalker who composed songs about picking up poop.

Here is an excerpt from one he calls “Pick Up the Poop Oh Yeah” (Available on iTunes. Really.)

Please don’t leave it on the ground
Do the right thing, clean up after your hound
You made a choice to get a dog
It’s up to you to pick up their logs
Pick up the poop, pick up the poop oh yeah.

Leaving aside the dexcision to rhyme “dog” and “logs,” this is an admirable undertaking of what might be called “Citizen Songwriting,” channeling a simpler time when songs were based on personal interaction with such elements as mastodons and black obelisks.

Jeffsicle has missed most trends, from pet rocks to love locks, so he’s catching this one before the bus departs.

Hey Mr. Ice Cream Man scoop me some vanilla
Summer come and me want to be cold
Chocolate dreamy and me love strawberry
Summer come and me want to be cold

Oreo ice cream is cool and sweet
Ice cream is best when it’s not too bold
Chocolate chip cookie dough me want to eat
Cake or wafer cone, me want to hold

Pistachio is just not for me
Don’t like nuts or anything green
Rum raisin makes me want to heave
So do caramel and tutti-frutti

Cone, cone cone cone cone cone cone cone cone cone cone cone cone
Summer comes and me want a cold cone.

Bohemian Veggies

Mama, just sowed some squash
Put some seeds into the ground
Too much water and they’ll drown
Mama, lunch has just begun
But all the plants have died and turned to brown
Mama, ooh
I don’t want to eat store-bought
If I can’t get fresh veggies then I’ll starve
Harvest on, harvest on, because pesticides do matter.

Blizzard Street

Cannot play, can’t shovel the snow away
Ice has formed now that the wind chill’s steep
Can you tell me how my dog, how my dog is going to pee?
Snow’s too deep, I’d much rather eat and sleep
Gonna have to shovel soon
And just pray my dog can hold it in until this afternoon.


Some call it spam
Some call it junk
I have a different take
‘Cause I think it’s all punk
Earring in the header
Nipple ring attachment
Tattoos in the subject line
Erectiles in the text

Rachel Robocall

You call me every day and night
Say your name is Rachel, yeh that’s right
Cardholder Services you say you’re from
Do you think I’m really that dumb?
You say there are benefits for me
If my finger pushes button three
But I’m afraid that something bad
Will make my savings very sad.

Toast Is Splendor

Toast is a very crumbly treat
Whether made of wheat or rye or white it’s a gluten feast
Great toast boasts such a perfect tan
Like Jennifer behind her Ray-Bans
I can’t choose between butter or SPF30.

Rita’s Meters

Lovely Rita’s meters raid
Hundreds of cops responding
Ticketing cars for parking way too long
I ask her really, what’s the hurry
Rita says, you’ll tell the jury
‘Cause I don’t take any crap from scum like you.


The world was once littered with butts
From cigarettes left in the street
Now the world is drowning in butts
The ones found between head and feet
“Shake Your Booty” and “Bubble Butt”
Are acceptable words to say
Would Kim and Kanye be together now
If thin butts ruled the waves?

©2015 Jeffsicle. Feel free to share with friends. Now on Twitter @Jeffsicle and Facebook http://www.facebook.com/jeffsicleblog. Everybody sing along!