Midnight Deliveries of Paul Revere

Paul Revere played a significant role in the American Revolution but is best known because of the Longfellow poem The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. You remember: “Listen my children and you shall hear…” and “one if by land and two if by sea and I on the opposite shore shall be.” (Which is about all of the poem that 99.99% of Americans can recall.)

imageAs with much of the history we’ve been taught in school, Revere’s ride has been exaggerated and manipulated to make it better fit the official narrative. Much like Madonna’s career.

Midnight Ride was written originally by the poet Clarence Trebuchet, of the Lexington Trebuchets. Some historians believe him to be the man in the window in the illustration above. Many decades later Longfellow was given the task of making his poem more appropriately inspirational.

To celebrate Revere’s December 21st birthday, Jeffsicle is proud to present the original Trebuchet version of The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.


Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight deliveries of Paul Revere,
The British were coming, the hamlet was hungry
Just one man and one horse had the vision to see,
That both crises could be resolved conflict-free
By Paul’s nighttime job at Lotus Key Chinese

He said to his friend, “Wonton if by land, Tofu if by sea,
and I on the carryout line will be.
Ready to order and spread the Hoisin
Through every Mooshu pancake therein
For the country folks who need Szechuan.

A hurry of hoofs in a village street,
Saddlebags in the moonlight, filled with Crispy Beef,
It arrived from the forests, as if by luck,
And then, at the next house, came Peking Duck;
That’s not all! Along with the Sweet and Sour Pork,
A nation’s fate had Chow Foon on its fork;
And the spark struck out by that steed’s Steamed Dumplings,
Kindled the land into flame with Five Spices.

So through the night rode Paul Revere;
The whispers of General Tso in his ear,
To Middlesex kitchens goes chicken Lo Mein,
A cry of “food’s here,” and not of fear,
A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,
And the words “cash or credit?” echo evermore!

For, borne on the carry-out of the Past,
Through all our history, to the last,
In the hour of hunger and gastric distress,
The people wait up for Shrimp with Asparagus,
The fragrant aromas brought by that steed,
And the midnight deliveries of Paul Revere.

©2015 Jeffsicle. Feel free to share with friends. We’re also on Facebook www.facebook.com/jeffsicleblog and on Twitter @Jeffsicle. Don’t believe everything you read.

Reindeer Games

(Santa). Thank you for coming to this meeting. Christmas is approaching and there’s some news we need to discuss.

(Dasher): Wait, where’s Rudolph?

p_1I’ll talk about Rudolph’s absence later. What I want to discuss is the exponential increase in deliveries we’ve had to make in recent years.

(Prancer) Boooooring.

Believe me, Prancer, you’ll soon find it very interesting. As you all know, our resources are strained to the point where I could not guarantee we’d meet our goal of no child’s gift left behind. A child’s belief in me is a terrible thing to waste, you know.

(All): We know!

Months ago I hired a management consulting team to assess our operations. Mrs. Claus and I reviewed their recommendations carefully with our lawyers. As a result, this morning I signed an agreement giving Amazon a 20% stake in Santa LLC with an option to increase that to 40%. 

(Vixen): That’s great! Finally, some help. We’re not getting any younger you know. Of course, we’re also not getting any older.

(Blitzen): can we go now? I’m late for my antler waxing.

Prancer, Donner, Vixen, and Blitzen…. You can leave. You’re fired.

(All): Wait. What?

Fired. Retired. Put out to pasture. Downsized. Riffed. Bye-bye.

(Prancer): “I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

You know, guys, 200+ years is a good run, but reindeer teams come, reindeer teams go. It’s a Circle of Life thing.

(Blitzen): Hey Santa Trump! How did you pick who to fire?

Prancer, too much clatter.
Dancer, getting fatter.
Vixen, shrinking bladder.
Blitzen, mad as a hatter.

(Dancer): How are we going to support our families? I have a mortgage on that cabin in Saskatchewan and two calves in private school and a fawn with perpetual ear infections. As it is, my wife has to take modeling jobs for Christmas catalogs to make ends meet.

(Cupid): Don’t forget that doe you see on the side in Greenland. She won’t like it when the baubles start coming from Walmart!

Everyone calm down! I’m very sorry but business is business. Even a nonprofit one. However, we’re not just sending you out in the cold,. Well, actually we are since we’re at the North Pole, but we do have a severance package for each of you, including free Amazon Prime for five years plus an annual $200 gift card.

(Dancer): What about health insurance.

I almost forgot, Denmark agreed to provide you with health care. We tried to get you on Obamacare, but Republicans in Congress said you were undocumented aliens and nixed that legislation.

(Blitzen): You’re joking, right? What about Clement Moore? Burl Ives? Stan Freberg? They’ll all vouch for us.

All dead, I’m afraid. And so, by the way, is Rudolph.

(All): What!?

Very sad. A drone accident over the Bering Straits. The body is available for viewing in the Palin’s meat locker.

(Blitzen): At least he won’t have to “fly like the down of a thistle” anymore. Damn that’s embarrassing.

You are welcome to help out in the workshop through the end of the year. At the Elf pay grade, of course. And if you play nicely with the Elves, I’ll recommend you for a delivery job at Keebler.

(Vixen): No way I’m working with those Ed Asner clones.

(Donner): What I don’t understand is what Amazon gets from all this?

Access to our database of what the children want for Christmas so they can better sell to parents and grandparents. It’s the ultimate in targeted marketing.

(Donner): And what about the Naughty and Nice database?

I resume negotiations with Homeland Security on December 26.

©2015 Jeffsicle. Feel free to share with friends. Now on Twitter @Jeffsicle and Facebook www.facebook.com/jeffsicleblog. Ho Ho Bezos.